Wednesday, September 28, 2011
So this is love...
Another quick and dirty slideshow post. Seems to be the most efficient way to show what I've been up to. Enjoy for now! Images to follow...
Monday, September 26, 2011
Professional Studies
It's official I have found my calling as a wedding/portrait photographer! Week 13 of my RMSP training has been the best so far. The Wedding Professional Studies program with Steve Winslow and Sophie Lane was all I had hoped it would be and so much more. Below you will find a quick and dirty slideshow presentation that I threw together last night. The presentation isn't my proudest moment and I plan on revising it at some point but it was the quickest way to get these images out there. Enjoy!
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Meet Stan
Meet Stan. Stan Wold is a sweet, friendly, ornery man; 80 years young. He spent his early childhood in Idaho and moved to Bonner when he was in the fifth grade. Bonner remained his home until last year when he fell and his step-son, Kurt, decided that Stan needed a little extra care and moved him into the assisted living facility in east Missoula.
In his younger years Stan served his country in the US Air Force during the Cold War, where he was stationed in Misawa Japan as a police officer. After the war Stan returned to Bonner where, for the next several years, he played semi-pro baseball with the Bonner Lumberjacks. During that time Stan held down a full time job at the Anaconda mill in Bonner where he worked diligently until the day he retired 43 years later. Stan was married for 36 years and although the marriage ended in divorce Stan still remains close with his step-son Kurt.
Despite one strange occurrence, Stan’s year at the assisted living facility has been a happy one. Last winter Stan was sleepwalking and he somehow exited the front door of the home and wondered nearly a mile away in minus 15 degree weather with no jacket before he finally woke up and realized that he needed help. He knocked on the door of a nearby home and the people were kind enough to take him in and let him warm up while he waited for someone at the facility to pick him up.
At the facility, Stan greets everyone that he passes with a big smile, warm hello, and a hug for the ladies. He is happy at his new residence, although he does miss the days just a few short years ago when he was still an avid skier and golfer. Nowadays, Stan enjoys taking walks, playing cribbage, domino’s, and cards, and flirting with the other residents and employees at the facility. He looks forward to visits from his step-son and other friends, some even from his days in the service, and especially Sundays when he gets to attend church at St. Elms.
Stan is quite the cribbage shark!
And Phase 10 shark...
Stan's a real Ladies Man!
He likes to reflect on his past...
but he's happy here at his new residence too!
So behind on posting...
I apologize to my followers (and myself), I have fallen far far behind on my blog posts and as a result they are pretty freaking lame! At this point I'm just trying to play catch up and get something...anything, posted! Better blogs to come (I hope) as soon as I get caught up! For now though, I'm calling it a night.
Night and Day
Portland by Day
Portland by Night
This scenic view made possible by Carrie Thomson!
Erica's new found Peace Corps Cohort!
Waiting on a Train...
Busted flat in Batton Rouge Portland, waiting on a train...
I's feeling near as faded as my jeans, Bobby thumbed a diesel down just before it rained...
While we roamed the train station I noticed the reflections in the mirror...
always a new face as the boarding line advanced!
Erica (my much missed traveling buddy)